Spring Has Sprung 60 Page Coloring Book for Adults-Flower and Insect Themed Backgrounds with Quotes

90,70 kr. DKK

(This product comes with PLR(private label rights). You can take these coloring pages and add them to other pages you have to create a new book of your own to sell. As long as you modify these pages, create bundles, and do not re-sell any of the files as you receive them, you are free to make money from the new product you create.)

Start the new season off right with these fun spring puns and quotes on cute insect patterns, flower patterns and other critters who love basking in the sun. 60 full size pages to print out and color with your favorite media. 

Coloring can be done alone or with your loved ones. Coloring can be used as therapy or family bonding. Coloring is the perfect way to spend time and relax, de-stress and and enjoy some quality time soaking up good vibes and sharing stories and experiences. 

Spring is around the corner and if you are like me sitting up here in a pile of snow in Canada, the thoughts of new growth, fresh green grass and pretty colored flowers, birds chirping and the sun warming the air around you, bring you a smile and a hope for the new year to come. 

I put this coloring book together from some of my cute cartoon birds, insects, and woodland friends patterns with fun spring related quotes to share with you and my own friends and family. 

Feel free to reach out to me with your completed pages and let me know which quotes are your favorite. 

I look forward to seeing your work and hearing about the quality time you spend with your own loved ones. 

This is what you get inside the book:

1 zip file:

1 pdf

60 jpg images(300dpi) 8.5" x 11" size=US Letter

(read more in next section)

More details

This is what you get with your purchase:

1 zip file:

1 pdf

60 jpg images(300dpi) 8.5" x 11" size=US Letter

(this is a large file! You may need to have an app that can help you download in one piece)

  1. cartoon female squirrel holding an acorn pattern with the quote "Squirrel Frolicks, Spring Smiles"
  2. back to back girl squirrel eating acorn pattern with the quote "Scurrying into Spring Joy"
  3. cute boy squirrel pattern on a sideways pattern with the quote "Nutty Blooms in Spring"
  4. Deer Mom and baby repeating pattern with the quote "A Deer's Grace is Found in Spring's Warm Embrace"
  5. A pattern collection of fruits, berries, nuts, rabbit, squirrel and leaves with the quotes "Hop to It!" and "Don't Leaf Me Out"
  6. Repeat pattern of a red fox with the quote "Foxes play, Spring's Ballet"
  7. Repeating pattern of a Frolicking squirrel with the quote "Tails up! Ready to Scamper into Spring"
  8. Repeating Red Fox pattern on an angle with the quote "Feeling Foxy in the Spring Air"
  9. GreyWolf connected back to back pattern with the quote "A Howling Good Time in Spring"
  10. Back to Back Bears in a repeating pattern with the quote "Having a Beary Good Time in Spring"
  11. Repeating pattern of leaves and blooming flower heads with the quote "Plant Smiles, Grow Laughter"
  12. Big and small blooming flower heads and leaves repeating pattern with the quote "Be-Leaf in Spring!"
  13. Repeat pattern of big and small daisy heads and leaves with the quote "Bloom where Planted"
  14. Sunflower repeating pattern with the quote "Floral Dreams, Colorful Schemes"
  15. Large petal flowers with repeating pattern with the quote "Blossoms of Serenity."
  16. Small flowers with long stems and leaves pattern with the quote "Renew, Bloom, Rejoice."
  17. Flower heads in grid format pattern with the quote "Fresh Starts, Blooming Hearts"
  18. 5 petal flower heads repeating pattern with the quote "Bloom with Gratitude."
  19. Smiling waving boy bee cartoon character in repeating pattern with the quote "Bee yourself, have a buzzworthy life."
  20. Cartoon character female ant repeating pattern with the quote "Ant-icipating a great Spring!"
  21. Repeating pattern of small flower heads with and without leaves with the quote "Spring has blossomed pun-derfully."
  22. Leaves and flower heads in a simple repeating pattern with the quote "Spring leaves us smiling"
  23. Female cartoon caterpillar repeating pattern with the quote "Embracing Transformation like a Caterpillars Re-Birth"
  24. Cute standing, smiling girl bee repeating pattern with the quote "Bee-ware of Pollen."
  25. Repeating pattern with mushrooms, dots, leaves, and snail shells with the quote "Seed money grows interest."
  26. Cute repeating pattern of a smiling ladybug with the quote "Buzzing with spring ladybugs"
  27. Repeating rose pattern with the quote "April showers bring May flowers."
  28. Cute worm cartoon character with repeating sideways pattern with the quote "Worms welcome spring underground"
  29. Big butterfly girl repeating pattern with the quote "Fluttering into Spring bliss."
  30. Flowers, pussy willows, and other assorted flowers repeating pattern with the quote "Blossoms bloom, spring blooms"
  31. Happy butterfly girl with raised arms repeating pattern squared with the quote "Butterflies dance, Spring enchants."
  32. Sideways girl spider pattern repeating with the quote "Spider's Spin, Springs in"
  33. Repeating smiling cartoon sun pattern with the quote "Sun's dance, Spring's chance"
  34. Flowers blooming on a vine repeating pattern with the quote "Flower power comes from a Spring shower"
  35. A pattern with an assortment of different flower types repeating with the quote "A flower a day keeps the gloom away"
  36. A pattern with both small and large flowers repeating with the quote "Fresh flowers in Spring are a most delightful thing."
  37. Cute cartoon snails back to back sideways pattern with the quote "Spring can't fail the life of a snail."
  38. Smiling ladybug walking side by side repeating pattern with the quote "Ladybugs bring spring luck."
  39. Repeating dragonflies lineart repeating pattern with the quote "Dragonflies dance bringing spring romance"
  40. Small butterflies repeating pattern in rows with the quote "Butterflies flitter about without a worry or a doubt."
  41. Bees, birds, flowers and hearts repeat pattern with the quote "Bee-lieve in the power of spring"
  42. Descending bird with wings out sideways lineart pattern with the quote "Spring Spreads Love on the Wings of a Dove"
  43. Repeating merging duck lineart pattern with the quote "Spring brings luck thick as the feathers on a duck."
  44. Cool affect of two lovebirds merged into each other as a repeat pattern with the quote "Soft Spring Words Warm the Hearts of Love Birds"
  45. Wings outstretched blending together in a repeating bird pattern with the quote "With outstretched wings, a Grateful Heart Sings"
  46. Big and small cartoon lineart Owls repeating pattern with the quote "I will Owl-ways remember to stop and smell the Roses."
  47. Repeating Parrot lineart pattern with the quote "The Colors of Spring Make the Weary Heart Sing"
  48. Bluebird on a branch with a song note repeating pattern with the quote "There is nothing wrong with the Bluebird's song"
  49. Pattern with tree stumps, full trees, various types of leaves and gardening water jugs with the quote "Be-Leaf in Spring!"
  50. Cute butterfly character in a diamond facade pattern with the quote "May your dreams float free on the wings of a Butterfly."
  51. A pattern of an assorted group of plants and potted flowers of various sizes with the quote "Dig out those weeds in your Garden of Life."
  52. Aloe Vera Plants, Grass, Ferns, and other potted plants pattern with the quote "May your dreams blossom like the tallest sunflower in the garden."
  53. Another pattern of assorted potted plants like Cactus, Aloe, Succulents, and Snake Plants with the quote "Don't let those weeds choke your dream."
  54. Pattern of several mushrooms standing in a row with the quote "Fungi-tastic Spring Harvest."
  55. Pattern with leaves, branches, mushrooms and snails with the quote "Fun-guys bloom in Spring!"
  56. Boy butterly side by side in a diamond facade pattern with the quote "It's a Butterfly Spring Day!"
  57. Pattern with an assortment of potted plants, ferns, leaves, and flowers with the quote "Let your dreams grow, unbounded and free."
  58. Potted Bonzai trees, Succulents, and potted Snake plants repeating pattern with the quote "Be-Leaf You Deserve the Best Life!"
  59. Cute happy butterfly pattern that sits back to back in a cross weave tiling with the quote "Let your Spirit Soar!"
  60. Flying cartoon girl bee pattern with the quote "Bee Kind, Bee Happy"

Quality guarantee & returns

Due to the nature of these digital items, there is no return policy. If you have a problem accessing or reading the files, please contact me at admin@melaniebremner.com and I will help you sort it out. 

thank you for your understanding,

Melanie Bremner.